Friday, 26 April 2013

Support for Kodu and Scratch

For those of you using Kodu or Scratch to dabble in programming, have a look at the videos on YouTube from Consolarium, Education Scotland's game-based learning initiative. Here's a sample...

The Consolarium, has been working with teachers across Scotland to explore and share just how the appropriate use of computer games can have a positive impact on teaching and learning. More recently, it has been encouraging pupils to become creators - not just consumers - of games with a game design initiative.

Friday, 12 April 2013

A little inspiration to start the term!

One of the highlights of last term's Learning and Teaching Conference at the Chateau Impney was the keynote delivered by Mike Fleetham.  Not a learning technologies focused input but with many applications to teaching across the curriculum. 
For those of you who were unable to attend the Conference have a look at  Create a log in to access a range of the resources and newsletters.  The latest one on differentiation is worth a look.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

For those of you who might need to refer back to the previous version of this blog on J2Webby you can find it HERE

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Worcestershire's Learning Gateway

We need your help to make the Worcestershire Learning Gateway even more useful!
If you have any favourite websites that you use regularly in the classroom add the url as a comment to this post. Indicate the subject area or theme and the age group you use it with and we can add it to the Free area so that everyone can access tried and tested resources without the effort of having to search for themselves.

On the move again!!

As so many schools in Worcestershire are moving towards Google Apps for Education it seemed a good time to try out another route to blogging.

Watch this space for news relating to Worcestershire specific projects and initiatives as well as national and global moves in the world of Learning Technologies.